The need for tools and technology to improve the efficiency and quality of production within the agricultural industry is ever evolving.
As the number of wireless sensor innovations on the market rise, its crucial producers understand the benefits and invest in the right technology for them and their system.
What are wireless sensors?
Wireless sensors do not need to be hard wired by an electrician as they are battery operated and are therefore able to be moved around a house. They can be installed in a specific environment and collect information by monitoring and recording the physical and environmental conditions in its surroundings.
The data is then transferred from the sensor to the gateway through a communication protocol called LoRaWan. This is a low power system that will preserve battery life as well as transmit data over long distances. This data is then automatically populated in a database and can be analysed via the analytics tool that has been developed by veterinarians and poultry farmers.
How do they fit within the shed?
The first advantage of a wireless sensor is the ability to position the technology in the optimum position inside the shed. The wireless functionality allows this to then be altered as and when necessary to optimise the monitoring capabilities.
Benefits of wireless sensors
Flexibility and scalability
Wireless technology benefits from being very simple to install. This allows sheds to be easily connected and analysed, as the sensor is not prohibited by its location or external obstacles. Should the business expand or the demand for more sensors within the shed rise, subsequent systems can easily be added to the existing network.
This reduces cost and labour at the first hurdle, as well as proving less disruptive to the day-to-day running of the business.
Likewise, wireless sensors can be easily moved post installation in the event of any structural changes to the building or if there is the need to establish a more optimal location for the sensors to be positioned.
Long battery life
The wireless monitoring systems are powered by an internal battery pack, requiring minimal maintenance. This contributes to reduced labour costs and saves time that would typically be associated with maintaining physical wiring and infrastructure, as there is no wiring that can be damaged. The SenseHub™ Poultry sensors can support IoT applications for three years before needing a battery change or charge.
Battery powered systems will also ensure data is continually collated and will not suffer from disruptions caused by power outages, ensuring data is consistent and reliable.
Real time data
Live data monitoring that is feeding back to a central database can allow producers and farmers to make informed and up-to-date decisions at farm level. The capability of the sensors being able to collate and analyse such instrumental data is fundamental to ensuring bird health and welfare is at the forefront of the business’ overall strategy.
The analytics software is remotely accessible, allowing farm managers, vets, and consultants to access the real-time data from anywhere in the world. The sensors that are fitted across numerous sites feed back to the central system, which means the range of data can be easily analysed all in one place, providing a hub of information with limitless capabilities.
Benefits to the wider supply chain
The extensive benefits that wireless sensors are able to provide to the industry have arrived at a pivotal time, as the farm to fork supply chain has a growing interest in looking towards increased traceability and transparency.
The platform provides retailers and processors with a unique tool that is ideal for benchmarking between producers and assuring critical health and housing standards are being monitored and met with every intake of birds.
Where can we buy it from?
For more information about implementing transformative technology into your producer’s poultry sheds visit our website at